March 2024

Our Wildlife Habitat has been busy educating neighbors about how to decimate the mosquito population by targeting the larvae with an environmentally safe method. We gave away 35
prepared kits and in addition shared the materials to make
kits to 30 more.

You do not have to spray toxic chemicals to get rid of mosquitos!

click the mosquito to watch the video!

Oaks for Kids

Oaks for Kids

For every $300 donated, we help a child plant and care for an oak tree

Our Wildlife Habitat visits elementary schools at the beginning of the fall and talks to students about the importance of native plants. The oak, the mighty oak, is the central talking point.  Most kids know what an oak is, that they provide shade, wood and acorns. They learn how important a host plant is.  Our Wildlife Habitat invites kids to discuss stewardship of an oak in their own garden at home and, if supported by their family, they are given a 2’-3’ bare root oak to plant. Our Wildlife Habitat delivers the tree, helps choose a good site, gives written planting and care instructions, a protective planting tube and a Certificate of Stewardship.