Free Trees

All of our local jurisdictions understand the great benefits to the environment of having shade trees cared for on private property. DC Riversmart, Arlington County, The City of Takoma Park, Montgomery County and Prince Georges County all have programs to plant shade trees for free in your garden. Just Google “free Trees”. You will have informed people helping you choose your tree but if you need advice about the right native and a “Keystone” tree, please contact us.  Or you can use the native plant finder at local plant finder NWF to see the number of insects that various trees host.


These books and collections of essays explain why natives are important, how to use them in your garden, and how important and beautiful even backyard habitats can be.

Nature’s Best Hope- A New Approach to Conservation That Starts in Your Yard -by Douglas W. Tallamy 2019

Bringing Nature Home- How You Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants - Douglas Tallamy 2007

The Humane Gardener - Nurturing A Backyard Habitat For Wildlife -by Nancy Lawson 2017

A Sand County Almanac -by Aldo Leopold 1949

Songs to Birds - by Jake Page 1993

Mini Forest Revolution- Using the Miyawaki Method to Rapidly Rewild the World - by Hannah Lewis  2022


90% of insect herbivores are diet specialists- host plant specialists that can only eat one or a few types of plants

Most North American terrestrial bird species (96%) raise their young on insects and most of these insects are catepillars or moths

From Nature’s Best Hope Doug Tallamy

5% of local plant genera host
70-75% of local Lepidoptera (moth or butterfly) species. These hyperproductive species are called “Keystone” plants.

Plant Natives •

Plant Keystones •

Plant Natives • Plant Keystones •